🌿🛸💖September 4, 2024💖🛸🌿

ANCIENT MUSE (The Dreamgate Oracle by Danielle Noel)
️Soul Truths, Higher Self, Deep Inspiration️
Your ancient Muse is a symbol of the sacred link between your creative wellspring and higher self. As a personal light, it may also illuminate your own ancestral wisdom or past life lessons. It can spark you to explore new avenues of soulful nourishment or discovery.
When this card shows up, you are being called to reconnect with your own dreamy gifts. Rekindle the spark that replenishes your Muse and listen to what is longing to emerge from within. What is rising to the surface of your own imaginative waters? Your unique individuality is now being encouraged. You are meant for greatness and to express with ease. It is not the time to worry about the opinions or views of others. Deepen into your visions and don't forget to have confidence in your creations. The world wants you to be fully embodied and free.
Where is your heart being carried? New discoveries may first be unveiled through powerful signs and synchronicities... or a warm sense of homecoming when you see an ancient wonder, hear a certain song, or move into a new (yet strangely familiar) place. Through your own deep diving, you may be drawn to a new venture or take the first step toward a new experience. Your Muse is also here to return you to your self mastery so that you can become more adept in the skills you wish to share and explore in this lifetime. Listen to the whispers of your eternal, ancient heart. The dream is planted for a reason.
Ask yourself, "What new ideas, visions, or dreams now bloom within me?"