🌿🛸💖September 3, 2024💖🛸🌿

ANCHORING IN (The Dreamgate Oracle by Danielle Noel)
️Energy Medicine, Body Temple, Vibrational Healing️
Each of us has an energy body, which is identified with various layers or states of vibration, from a microscopic, Quantum level, to a greater physical form. We are composed of many channels or spinning wheel chakras. Our energetic body allows a circulation of our own primordial Source flow, which is also known as our Prana. This current travels throughout our meridians, revitalizing and energizing our physical self. When our energy becomes blocked or disturbed in certain areas, we may experience physical distress.
Your message today is to tune into the vibration of your beautiful self and allow the clearest channels of integrity to flow through you. Your energy vessel is always exchanging information through your own cellular messaging and the frequencies you are faced with. Allow your being to harmonize with Source energy by unblocking or releasing the flow of certain forces.
---You are a receiver: What are you calling into your personal bubble? What people, environments, or energies are you attuning with? Follow your bliss to magnify the highest possible vibrations.
---You are a transmitter: What you absorb may also be equally shared. What vibrations would you truly like to express? This is a wonderful time to align with more joy, peace, and love... to activate new currents of clarity and flow within you.
---You are a transmuter: Low vibes can always be alchemized into new seeds of light. Let the lessons reveal themselves as you rise above the Shadows you are faced with. This is a purification that unblocks any remaining disruptions. Share your love and authenticity and see it bloom in the world.
Ask yourself, "How can I tune into my energy body more?"