🌿🛸💖September 29, 2024💖🛸🌿

HIDDEN PORTAL (The Dreamgate Oracle by Danielle Noel)
✨️Alternate Routes- Look Closer- Resilience- A Path Less Traveled✨
If you find yourself at an impasse, or if you feel as though there's only one option being presented to you, it could very well be that you simply need to adjust your focus. Is there another way of viewing the situation at hand? Your understanding of the routes around you are based on the stories you have built over time. You are always standing at a crossroads, whether you realize it or not. Our outer paths are composed to the same mental roads taken over and over again, just as our minds are. We are guided by where we have been and move toward what is familiar and comfortable. Before these points were plotted along our path, we still stood on the cusp of an entirely new prologue.
This may be an opportune time to fully absorb a new direction, stance, or option. Which one fills you with the most excitement, awe, or wonder for the unknown? This may require you to stand up for yourself or make some kind of initial sacrifice. Often, we must fully commit to the choices we make, but if we come from a place of strength and spirit, we have nothing to lose. Stepping outside of your comfort zone (or deviating from the norm) is not always easy. Surrendering control and letting go of your resistance doesn't always feel safe, but at the edge of new discovery, it is often necessary.
Allow yourself to carve out a fresh experience or life route now or very soon. With time, you may find your mind shifting your own limitations as you drink in the scope of options around you. The paths you form add to the magic of your story.
Ask yourself: "What direction have I been resisting, but wanting to move toward?"