🌿🛸💖September 10, 2024💖🛸🌿

CELESTIAL TEMPLE (The Dreamgate Oracle by Danielle Noel)
️Dream Incubation, Cosmic Downloads, Divine Truths️
This card heralds a time of sweet discovery, as you are taken further into the constellations of your own awakening. In a world that constantly reminds us of tangible, material truths, it is easy to forget that we are also navigating a realm of beautiful, eternal spirit. Let this knowledge lift your heart when you become lost in the density of the world.
We are each connected to a power that is invisible and holy. Just as the universe is sentient, energetic, and vibrational... so are you. Just as you may prime your dreams to access more revelations, you can also set your waking intentions to enhance your life. Through every moment of this realization, you are integrating higher truths within your inner and outer worlds. You're always anchoring in new light. As you investigate the physical world around you each day, you are encouraged to become more intimate with the invisible field of the Divine and to see the beauty of the great mysteries through the subtle and sacred weavings of life.
Things aren’t always as they seem. This era is one of uncovering mistruths so we can remember ancient truths. Everything is in a state of recall and realignment. Anything that isn’t in harmony with the planet will not survive. This goes for society and the world at large as well as in our own lives. If you see this card you’re being called to energetically scan your life for things that may no longer be a vibrational match for who you are and how you’ve grown.
Ask yourself, "How and where can I tune into the wisdom of the divine?"