๐ฟ๐ธ๐March 31, 2024๐๐ธ๐ฟ
IT IS TIME TO CELEBRATE (Inner Child Oracle Cards)
Celebration is such a wonderful experience in this life, one that can bring about a sense of community and pleasure. Even the smallest of reasons to celebrate is reason enough as it is the spirit of celebration and not necessarily the physical adornments that make a gathering of people something extraordinary. If you are seeing this card, then it may be time to cultivate an air of celebration this week through action and spirit. In addition, this card could mean that it is time to celebrate yourself and your accomplishments. This practice can be done with others or by yourself... but the key aspect is to focus on what you have already accomplished... not what might be waiting for you in the future. If we do not celebrate ourselves and our current moments, then it might be hard to celebrate ourselves in our future moments as well.
Create spaces that encourage play, laughter, and fun. Invite others to join you and take pleasure in their company. Savor the simple beauty that is around you.