🌿🛸💖June 9, 2024💖🛸🌿

ENDING: NATURE SPIRITS (Ask Your Guides Oracle Cards by Sonia Choquette)
There is a Universal order, which only appears to be chaotic and ever changing. In actuality, everything is designed down to the smallest detail, to be in perfect operation. The dance of the Universe is a happy one, with energy swirling and twirling in a never-ending celebration of life itself. Join this dance, Dear One, and enjoy the remarkable journey of the weavings of the story of your life. Do not fear what appears to be a change or a loss. It is only that transitioning orbit of energy interplaying with you and your loved ones. Embrace it as evidence that you are alive! Embrace your deepest emotions as a signal of your true human essence!
Your current changes are for the best. Keep your thoughts positive, as they are very powerful. What appears to be a loss is really the beginning of a happy new phase. Let the past go. It is time to move on.
This card serves as confirmation that a very happy ending is right around the corner. Since you attract what you are, you bring yourself good fortune when you are happy. Therefore, you will attract positive outcome sooner by being joyous “now” – that is, by acting as if what you want has already come to pass. By seeing this card, you are being encouraged to focus the majority of your attention on the outcome you desire rather than the outcome you fear. Since you attract what you think about the most, when you focus on your dreams, you can make those dreams come true. Be grateful for the happiness to come, and remain optimistic and hopeful at all times, because it only gets better from here. You are mere moments away from the outcome you deserve.
The old must be released so that the new can enter.