🌿🛸💖July 2, 2023💖🛸🌿

DANCING ON ONE FOOT: Balancing act. (The Shaman's Dream Oracle)
When this card shows up, you are called to find a new balance. Just as a dancer moves gracefully into each pose (no matter how precariously balanced a step might seem) you must bring equanimity to the situation before you, no matter how thorny or difficult a relationship seems. If you are putting too much effort into managing your life, work, relationship, family, and digital media you are missing the point. You have to be dancing while juggling your entire life, knowing that at any one time half of it is going to be up in the air.
It is not that you are doing too much and finding it impossible to catch up… rather, it is that you are confusing readiness with preparation. You will never be fully prepared for all the challenges in life, but you can be ready to say YES to the new invitation the Universe offers you. Live in a state of YES to spirit and NO to everything not infused with life and the sacred. You'll be surprised by how quickly your load lightens when you hold true to this lesson.
You are challenged now to work with the resources available to you and not be seduced by the belief "if I only had more." Life has provided you with everything you need to accomplish your goals and fulfill your mission. Reach out and say YES to the Universe!
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