🌿🛸💖January 1, 2025💖🛸🌿

Do you ever remember wishing on a star when you were a child and in your innocence believing that your wish would come true? The Stargazer connects with the energy of the cosmos and reminds you that you have the ability to draw in support from the universe. His cloak, with its sparkles and light, shows that you are closer to the energy of the universe than you think – you don’t have to go out looking for it, it’s already there. So look beyond where you are and create even bigger dreams, visions and goals, because with the power and help of the cosmos, those wishes can come true.
You are on the verge of a miracle. All of your dreams and aspirations are within your grasp and you are being guided to focus on your vision. The angels who are with you are encouraging you. There is nothing that you cannot have or achieve. There’s an opportunity at this time to heal an old wound or pattern of lack and not feeling good enough. In the past you’ve often found it impossible to recognize your worth and to believe that you are deserving of blessings. Angel and ancestor wisdom is reminding you that you are an incredible and infinite spark of the universe, and the universe is not only within you, it absolutely adores you. You are talented, filled with strength and have the abilities you need to turn your wildest dreams into reality.