🌿🛸💖December 30, 2024💖🛸🌿

This card wants you to acknowledge that there are happy times in your life, but there are also bumps in the road that cause you to feel low. Everyone makes mistakes, and sometimes things come to an end, but you don’t need to beat yourself up about it. There was a lesson to learn, and hopefully you have learned from it... if not the cycle will repeat itself until you do.
There is an old pattern rising up in you now and it's time to deal with it and release it for good. You're being encouraged to love and respect yourself enough to take steps you know you need to take to move closer to where you'd like to be. You already know the answers. You know what you need to do. You may have been using delaying tactics or holding back, but now you are being guided to take action. Action requires courage, but your angels and guides are bringing you the courage to move forward. Take just one step. When you do, the next one will be presented to you.