🌿🛸💖August 24, 2023💖🛸🌿

ATHENA: Trust. (Terra Qi Goddess Oracle)
Athena, the goddess of wisdom and military victory, and also the patron of the city of Athens, was Hercules' half-sister. Her parents were Zeus and Metis, a nymph. Zeus heard a prophecy that the child Metis bore after she gave birth to Athena would become the lord of heaven, so, to prevent this from happening, he swallowed Metis while she was still pregnant with Athena. When the time came for Athena to be born, the smith god, Hephaistos, opened Zeus' head with an axe, and Athena stepped out, in full armor. Athena often helped heroes, like Jason and Perseus. She wore an aegis, a goatskin shield which had a fringe of snakes. When Perseus killed the gorgon Medusa, whose face turned men to stone, he gave the gorgon head to Athena, and the goddess placed it on her aegis.
️Affirm: I surrender my concerns to the universe and trust that I have been heard.
Your Message: Your message today is that you should not give your power away to the uncontrollable circumstances and outcomes that are occurring. You are seeking to hold so much control, but whilst holding that control, you are not allowing the divine aid that is available for you. You are being called to have a little more patience in the process and trust that by allowing yourself to let go and flow, it will lead you exactly where you are meant to be.
Trust what is ahead. Center yourself. Come back to the present moment. This moment in time, as your consciousness floats between the realms of WHAT IS and WHAT WILL BE is very important.
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