๐ฟ๐ธ๐April 5, 2024๐๐ธ๐ฟ
LET IT GO (Inner Child Oracle Cards)
It is our nature as humans to hold tightly to what is familiar. Knowing the weight and measure of what we carry can bring us a great sense of comfort. Oftentimes, the known seems to be the wiser choice compared to the unknown. It is important to be aware that just as a tree shapes itself around a known obstacle that has forced it to take a new path, these things we hold tightly to can also, change the course of our destiny. If you are seeing this card, then it might be time to reflect on what you need to release.
Ask yourself if there is something keeping your back or forcing you to grow in a direction that might not be for your benefit. There can be many things that we hold on to for too long, such as the past, an ideal, a dream, or a painful memory. Even if we have grafted these aspects into our being, it is now time to let go of all that no longer serves you. Forgive disappointments and pains and do not allow bitterness in. Let go of control and allow what needs to die to die so that you may blossom again once more.