Are you looking to increase your confidence and ability to trust yourself? Would you like to promote alchemy, spiritual energy, and harness your inner power to create? Use this powerful crystal to manifest your desires through empowered speaking and expression of the heart.
⭐AA+ polished Sonoran Sunrise Chrysocolla
⭐About .84 inch diameter (2.1 cm)
⭐17.5 carats
⭐925 sterling silver five prong setting
⭐Handmade & infused with Reiki energy
⭐20 inch silver plated chain
⭐Each order comes with a necklace giftbox, written explanation, and bonus crystal!
💥Sonora Sunrise Chrysocolla is the trade name given to this beautiful naturally occurring rock made of Chrysocolla and Curpite, originating from Sonora, Mexico. (It is also known as Sonoran Sunset and Sonoran Sunrise.) Chrysocolla is a silicate mineral formed as a secondary mineral in the oxidation zones of copper ore deposits. This Chrysocolla Cuprite was from the Milpillas Mine, Cuitata, Municipio de Cananea, Sonora, Mexico. Sonora Sunrise Chrysocolla is a beautiful stone of empowerment, harmony and revitalization. It helps you awaken to your higher purpose and embrace your inner power. Sonora Sunrise inspires you to create magic daily in your life. I love working with this stone because of its uplifting and energizing energy that helps you pursue your goals. Sonora Sunrise supports your soul's evolution by grounding you into the healing energy of the Earth and connection with the Divine Feminine. The vibrations of Sonora Sunrise connects the Throat, and Sacral chakras. In addition Sonora Sunrise opens and strengthens the base chakra so that we may feel safe in our physical body, it helps 'life force' energy to flow freely through all the chakras so that our entire physical frequency is raised. Sonora Sunrise also helps to strength the etheric body, this keeps you physically, mentally and emotionally strong.
💥Wearing crystals is an ancient spiritual practice that promotes healing through the crystal’s vibrations. This practice has been used since the beginning of recorded history, and is widely used throughout various cultures, religions, and traditions. Some benefits include:
-Enhancing your physical, emotional, and mental well-being by affecting your energy points (or Chakras) and your aura.
-Protecting the wearer from negativity, including low vibrational thinking or thought patterns, or protecting you from people who may otherwise deplete you of your precious energy.
-Connecting you to your intuition, higher self, and spirit guides.
-If you feel stuck or in a rut, crystals can be a great means in order to break out of your norm.
With anything, it’s all about how you use it and intention is the key word for crystals. Many crystal healers suggest that the wearer or user consciously decide what it is they are seeking from the crystal. With this clear image in the forefront of your mind, enter into a meditative state and chant your mantra. If, for example, you are looking to manifest your next adventure, saying something like, “Please guide me to my next big steps” into an apatite stone will bind the apatite to your intention. It is also important to regularly cleanse your crystals once they’ve fulfilled your needs. To do so, simply leave them outside in the light of the next full moon. If the full moon is too far away, you can opt to wash them or cleanse them with a saging ritual.
Supercharged Sonora Sunrise Chrysocolla Sterling Silver Necklace- Reiki Infused
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